JPA-based Spring Boot with Docker Database that contains snapshot data

Spring boot jpa with dockerized snapshot data

This example demonstrates a spring data JPA-based Spring Boot setup which is backed up by Docker Database images. The images will contain initial data to ease up local development or to easily initiate any staging environment.

The core dependencies of the example are as follows:

  • Spring Boot 2.5.0
  • Spring 5.3.7
  • Hibernate 5.4.31.Final
  • PostgreSQL driver 42.2.20
  • MySQL connector 8.0.25 (Alternative Database Option)

We are going to follow the listed steps throughout this example:

  1. Introduce PostgreSQL database as the default database to the application
  2. Create and run a PostgreSQL docker image backed by initial data
  3. Add entities and repositories to the application
  4. Test the initial setup
  5. Introduce MySQL database as a secondary database option to the application
  6. Create and run a MySQL docker image backed by initial data
Continue reading “JPA-based Spring Boot with Docker Database that contains snapshot data”

Testing Java Projects with Groovy

Testing java projects with groovy.

This example demonstrates how we can implement our tests using groovy in a java based project. You might be asking why. Well, implementing tests with groovy has some advantages like easier mock creation, expressive business readable test method names, seamless adaptation with BDD frameworks, and so on. If you want to investigate testing java projects with groovy, the article will, then, provide you a starting point for your investigation.

Continue reading “Testing Java Projects with Groovy”

Spring Boot Rest API Documentation Using Rest Assured Tests

Generating rest API documentation with rest-assured tests.

A clear and concise REST API documentation is mandatory for a rest API to be easily used. However, it’s error-prone and it is also hard to maintain API documentation if we attempt to write it manually. This sample project demonstrates how we can use rest assured tests along with spring boot to generate API documentation with a small amount of manual work.

Continue reading “Spring Boot Rest API Documentation Using Rest Assured Tests”